Komodo dragon teeth get their strength from an iron coat

Studying the reptile’s ironclad teeth in more detail could help solve a dinosaur dental mystery.

A new algae-based menstrual pad could stop leaks

By turning period blood into a gel, the pad’s alginate powder filler reduces leakage.

Moonquakes are much more common than thought, Apollo data suggest

The discovery of 22,000 previously unseen moonquakes, plus a new idea of what causes them, could help us better prepare for trips there.

NASA’s Perseverance rover finds its first possible hint of ancient life on Mars

The NASA Mars rover examined a rock containing organic compounds and “leopard spots” that, on Earth, are associated with microbial life.

The North Star is much heavier than previously thought

Polaris is about five times as massive as the sun, new observations reveal. That’s around 50 percent heavier than what an earlier study found.

Dark matter experiments get a first peek at the ‘neutrino fog’ 

The hint of fog marks a new way to observe neutrinos, but points to the beginning of the end for this type of dark matter detection.

Sepsis tests take days, putting patients at risk. A new method may cut wait time

A faster way to figure out what bacteria is causing a potentially deadly bloodstream infection could let doctors treat it more quickly and efficiently.

HIV prevention may only require two injections per year

There were no new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women taking a new PrEP formulation, a twice-yearly shot of the drug lenacapavir.

A new element on the periodic table might be within reach 

Scientists made the known element 116 with a beam of titanium atoms, a technique that could be used to make the undiscovered element 120.

Some melanoma cancer cells may punch their way through the body

A new study clarifies how melanoma cells use cell membrane protrusions called “blebs” to burrow through tissue.

In a seafloor surprise, metal-rich chunks may generate deep-sea oxygen

Instead of sinking from the surface, some deep-sea oxygen may be created by battery-like nodules that split water into hydrogen and oxygen.

A planet needs to start with a lot of water to become like Earth

Rocky planets around fiery stars could hide their water for later use, but it takes 3 to 8 times the amount in our world’s oceans to end up Earthlike.

Can light spark superconductivity? A new study reignites debate

Brief blasts of light might make some materials into fleeting superconductors. Magnetic measurements strengthen the case for this controversial claim.

How to stay healthy during the COVID-19 summertime surge

Infections peak in the summer and winter. Up-to-date vaccinations, testing and masking can slow the spread.

Twisters asks if you can ‘tame’ a tornado. We have the answer

Science News talked to a meteorologist and Twisters’ tornado consultant to separate fact from fiction in Hollywood’s latest extreme weather thriller.

Can bioluminescent ‘milky seas’ be predicted?

For the first time, a scientist has used ocean and atmospheric data to find a milky sea, a huge expanse of luminous water, in past satellite images.

This AI can predict ship-sinking ‘freak’ waves minutes in advance

The model, which was trained on data from ocean buoys to identify potential rogue waves, could help save lives.

The odds of developing long COVID dropped as the coronavirus evolved

As different coronavirus variants took center stage during the pandemic, the chances of developing long COVID fell, especially for vaccinated people.

Psilocybin temporarily dissolves brain networks

A high dose of the psychedelic drug briefly throws the brain off kilter. Other, longer-lasting changes could hint at psilocybin's therapeutic effects.

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot may be less than 200 years old

An analysis of images spanning hundreds of years suggests a dark spot spied in the late 1600s and early 1700s is distinct from the Red Spot seen today.

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New Method Improves Wireless Network Speed and Reliability

A new edge caching method using a “digital twin” significantly improves wireless network efficiency by predicting user data needs and optimizing data storage, thereby enhancing...

The Future of Entomology: New Technology Revolutionizes Insect Research

Emerging technologies are transforming insect research and environmental surveillance. Utilizing AI to analyze DNA, images, sounds, and flight patterns, we can unlock novel insights into...

Canada’s 2023 Wildfire Season: An Unprecedented Environmental Catastrophe

A study has found that contaminated mining sites increase the risks associated with fires. The 2023 wildfire season in Canada was the most destructive ever...

NASA’s Massive Rocket Rolls Out: Artemis II SLS Core Stage Arrives for Assembly

The Artemis II mission’s SLS core stage has been transported to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, where it will be integrated with other flight hardware like...

Physicists Rewrite Quantum Rules – New Theories Could Revolutionize Materials Science

Physicists at Trinity College Dublin have advanced quantum mechanics, enabling better simulations and potential breakthroughs in green technologies. Grasping the precise energy landscapes of quantum...

11,000-Year-Old Housekeeping: New Study Reveals That Hunter-Gatherer Homes Were Surprisingly Organized

Research at the Mesolithic site of Star Carr in North Yorkshire shows that ancient hunter-gatherers organized their homes into specific activity zones, suggesting a structured...

Revolutionary Compound Forces Breast Cancer Cells To Self-Destruct

OSU researchers found compounds that turn the Bcl-2 protein into a tumor killer, offering new breast cancer therapies. Studies showed these compounds effectively kill cancer...

Silicon Dioxide: The Secret to Smaller, Cooler Electronic Devices

Japanese researchers have enhanced heat dissipation in nanodevices by adding a silicon dioxide coating to silicon structures, potentially revolutionizing the design and efficiency of future...

Is Clean Energy Killing Our Wildlife? 4,642 Vertebrate Species Threatened

New research shows that 4,642 vertebrate species globally are at risk due to mineral extraction activities such as mining and drilling. This impact is most...

How NASA Turned Venus Into a Hip-Hop Planet

Lyrics for Missy Elliot’s song “The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)” were transmitted from the DSN’s Goldstone complex to Venus, about 158 million miles (254 million...

Unusual New Life Forms Discovered in Yellowstone Offer Clues to Alien Life

Montana State University scientists have discovered two new methane-producing microbial groups in Yellowstone National Park, revealing potential new approaches to climate change mitigation and insights...

Unique Pigments Discovered: Chemists Unveil New Secrets of Rembrandt’s Famous Painting “The Night Watch”

Researchers have discovered that Rembrandt used special arsenic sulfide pigments to create a ‘golden’ paint in “The Night Watch.” Chemists at the Rijksmuseum and the...

The Battle Within: MIT Unveils Genetic Keys to Alzheimer’s Resilience and Vulnerability

Researchers from MIT conducted an extensive study on Alzheimer’s disease, analyzing gene expression in various brain regions to understand why specific cells and circuits are...

The Silent Battle Within: How Your Organs Choose Between Mom and Dad’s Genes

Research reveals that selective expression of maternal or paternal X chromosomes varies by organ, driven by cellular competition. A new study published today (July 26)...

Komodo Dragons Flaunt Iron-Tipped Nightmare Teeth, Scientists Discover

Scientists from King’s College London discovered that Komodo dragons’ serrated teeth are enhanced with iron, particularly concentrated along the cutting edges. This feature, staining the...

A New Star on the Horizon: Intern Discovers Unknown Pulsar

A U.S. Naval Research Laboratory intern discovered a millisecond pulsar in the Glimpse-CO1 cluster using the Very Large Array, highlighting pulsars’ role as celestial timekeepers...

The Ocean Is Becoming Too Loud for Oysters

Research from the University of Adelaide reveals that human-generated noise is hindering baby oysters’ ability to use natural sounds to find habitats, affecting marine conservation...

Dark Matter Defies Expectations: Surprising Speeds Revealed in Monumental Galaxy Cluster Collision

Astronomers have observed a unique collision between two galaxy clusters, revealing how dark matter and normal matter separate during such encounters. Using a combination of...

New Calculations Uncover a Vast Ocean Beneath Pluto’s Ice

Graduate student Alex Nguyen calculated the depth and density of the solar system’s most mysterious and remote body of water. New calculations by Alex Nguyen,...

Neuroscientists Have Pinpointed the Origins of Creativity in the Brain

A collaborative study by researchers from the University of Utah Health and Baylor College of Medicine has uncovered the crucial function of the default mode...

Mayo Clinic Defines New Memory Loss Syndrome Affecting Older Adults

Mayo Clinic researchers have defined new criteria for Limbic-predominant Amnestic Neurodegenerative Syndrome (LANS), a memory-loss condition in older adults that mimics Alzheimer’s but progresses more...

New Habitable Zone Planet Found in Unusual Star System

The newly discovered planet, identified by volunteer planet hunters and confirmed by scientists at the Flatiron Institute and their colleagues, has an exceptionally long orbit....

Climate Change Surprise: Trees Remove Methane From the Air

New research reveals that tree bark microbes absorb significant amounts of methane, increasing the climate benefit of trees by about 10%. This finding underscores the...

Quantum Dots Take the Leap: Spin Qubits Go Trampolining With Germanium

Researchers at QuTech developed somersaulting spin qubits for universal quantum logic. This achievement may enable efficient control of large semiconductor qubit arrays. Over twenty years...

New therapy uses synthetic nanofibers to mimic the natural signaling of a protein that is crucial for cartilage formation and maintenance. Researchers found that intensifying the motion of molecules within…

Scientists have identified an automatic behavior in flies that helps them assess wind conditions -- its presence and direction -- before deploying a strategy to follow a scent to its…

Lampreys are one of only two living jawless vertebrates Jaws are formed by a key stem cell population called the neural crest New research reveals the gene regulatory changes that…

Engineering researchers have demonstrated a state-of-the-art hardware device that could reduce energy consumption for artificial intelligent (AI) computing applications by a factor of at least 1,000.

An experimental drug originally developed to treat cancer may help clear HIV from infected cells in the brain, according to a new study. By targeting infected cells in the brain,…

Danish Tycho Brahe was most famous for his contributions to astronomy. However, he also had a well-equipped alchemical laboratory where he produced secret medicines for Europe's elite.

An international team of researchers has found that nitrogen emissions from fertilizers and fossil fuels have a net cooling effect on the climate. But they warn increasing atmospheric nitrogen has…

Researchers have found New Zealand's endangered flightless birds are seeking refuge in the locations where six species of moa last lived before going extinct.

A new study finds disproportionate effects of temperature shifts on an icy glacier layer.

Engineers discovered that when the aluminum in soda cans is purified and mixed with seawater, the solution produces hydrogen -- which can power an engine or fuel cell without generating…

A noninvasive colorectal cancer screening test that can be done at home could reduce the risk of colorectal cancer death by 33%, according to a new study.

Over the last century, a once-deadly mosquito-borne virus has evolved so that it no longer sickens humans. New research shows that changes in the virus's ability to target human cells…

Researchers have developed somersaulting spin qubits for universal quantum logic. This achievement may enable efficient control of large semiconductor qubit arrays. The research group recently published their demonstration of hopping…

The team verified that microbes found in Yellowstone National Park hot springs produce methane to grow.

Astronomers have untangled a messy collision between two massive clusters of galaxies in which the clusters' vast clouds of dark matter have decoupled from the so-called normal matter.

New research underscores the close relationship between dust plumes transported from the Sahara Desert in Africa, and rainfall from tropical cyclones along the U.S. Gulf Coast and Florida.

Researchers have discovered a novel pain control pathway that links the cingulate cortex in the front of the brain, through the pons region of the brainstem, to cerebellum in the…

Researchers have captured what they believe is the first ever video of a shark or any large marine animal being struck by a boat.

Scientists have discovered that the serrated edges of Komodo dragons' teeth are tipped with iron. The study gives new insight into how Komodo dragons keep their teeth razor-sharp and may…

A tunable metasurface can control optical light in space and time, offering a path toward new ways of wirelessly and securely transmitting large amounts of data both on Earth and…

Chemists have for the first time established how Rembrandt applied special arsenic sulfide pigments to create a 'golden' paint.

A study looks at the maximum possible sizes of dinosaurs, using the carnivore, Tyrannosaurus rex, as an example. Using computer modelling, experts produced estimates that T. Rex might have been…

Researchers have been tracking a 26-foot endangered whale shark -- named 'Rio Lady' -- with a satellite transmitter for more than four years -- a record for whale sharks and…

A new analysis of rocks thought to be at least 2.5 billion years old helps clarify the chemical history of Earth's mantle -- the geologic layer beneath the planet's crust.…

Resulting atlas of the aging human brain holds molecular insights into the brain's vulnerability and resilience.

Tree bark surfaces play an important role in removing methane gas from the atmosphere.

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers imaged a new exoplanet that orbits a star in the nearby triple system Epsilon Indi. The planet is a cold super-Jupiter exhibiting…

A new study provides evidence that a spillover of avian influenza from birds to dairy cattle across several U.S. states has now led to mammal-to-mammal transmission -- between cows and…

The insecticide-treated bed nets and insecticide sprays that were so effective in preventing mosquito bites -- and therefore malaria -- are increasingly viewed as the causes of household pest resurgence…

Palaeontologists are helping resolve the evolution and ecology of Odaraia, a taco-shaped marine animal that lived during the Cambrian period. Fossils reveal Odaraia had mandibles. Palaeontologists are finally able to…

Butterflies and moths collect so much static electricity whilst in flight, that pollen grains from flowers can be pulled by static electricity across air gaps of several millimeters or centimeters.

A prototype device harvests drinking water from the atmosphere, even in arid places.

Faced with the world's impending freshwater scarcity, researchers turned to solar steam generators, which are emerging as a promising device for seawater desalination. The team sought design inspiration from trees…

Archaeological evidence from the world-famous Mesolithic site of Star Carr in North Yorkshire has shown that hunter-gatherers likely kept an orderly home by creating 'zones' for particular domestic activities.

Biologists who set out to better understand the effects of climate change on plant species in tropical mountain regions found that even small variations in temperature and moisture can have…

Researchers have found a link between some of the largest and smallest objects in the cosmos: supermassive black holes and dark matter particles. Their new calculations reveal that pairs of…

Researchers are calling for regulation to guide the responsible and ethical development of bio-hybrid robotics -- a ground-breaking science which fuses artificial components with living tissue and cells.

A new analysis sheds light on major shortfalls of a recently proposed approach to capture CO2 from air and directly convert it to fuel using electricity. The authors also provide…

In a finding that opens the door to the development of targeted therapies for various muscle disorders, newly published research identifies key mechanisms of skeletal muscle regeneration and growth of…

In recent years, batteries have become ubiquitous in consumers' daily lives. However, existing commercial battery technologies, which use liquid electrolytes and carbonaceous anodes, have certain drawbacks such as safety concerns,…

In a large Singapore cohort study involving over 13,000 participants spanning close to 20 years, higher consumption of fruits during midlife was found to be associated with lower odds of…

Is it possible to assess an individual's risk of psychosis? Identifying predictive markers is a key challenge in psychiatry. A team now shows that overly strong or weak interconnections between…

Dogs experience emotional contagion from the smell of human stress, leading them to make more 'pessimistic' choices, new research finds. Researchers tested how human stress odors affect dogs' learning and…

Researchers have found a new way to identify genetic targets useful for control of mosquito populations, potentially offering an alternative to insecticides. Their study focused on the genetic basis of…

Male elephants use infrasonic rumbles to signal group departures, revealing complex vocal coordination and strong social bonds.

Large language models may pass medical exams with flying colors but using them for diagnoses would currently be grossly negligent. Medical chatbots make hasty diagnoses, do not adhere to guidelines,…

Birds need varied activities during avian flu lockdowns, new research shows.

Researchers have developed a new model that combines generative AI and satellite data to accurately forecast wildfire spread.

When people are having a conversation, they rapidly take turns speaking and sometimes even interrupt. Now, researchers who have collected the largest ever dataset of chimpanzee 'conversations' have found that…

An international team of researchers has discovered that metallic minerals on the deep-ocean floor produce oxygen -- 13,000 feet below the surface. Discovery challenges long-held assumptions that only photosynthetic organisms…

The ancestors of millipedes, called euthycarcinoids, evolved in warm tidal nursery pools from juvenile arthropods. The post The First Animals on Land Evolved in Warm Tidal Nursery Pools 500 Million…

Paleontologists have discovered the remains of a deep-snouted tyrannosaurid dinosaur named Asiatyrannus xui in southeastern China. The post New Tyrannosaur Species Discovered in China appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science…

Characterized by a finless torpedo-shaped body, Nuucichthys rhynchocephalus is the first soft-bodied vertebrate known from the American Great Basin. The post Fossil of Cambrian Long-Headed Chordate Unearthed in Utah appeared…

An early mandibulate called Odaraia alata is one of the largest Cambrian arthropods at nearly 20 cm (7.9 inches) in length. The post Taco-Shaped Mandibulate Lived in Cambrian Burgess Shale…

According to new research, giant plumes of Saharan dust, transported across the Atlantic Ocean by trade winds, can suppress hurricane formation over the ocean and affect weather in North America.…

Human settlement of islands across the Pacific Ocean was followed by waves of faunal extinctions that occurred so rapidly that their dynamics are difficult to reconstruct in space and time.…

Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) are the largest living predatory lizards and their serrated, curved and blade-shaped teeth make them valuable analogues for studying tooth structure, function and comparing with extinct…

Astronomers using Webb’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) have imaged Epsilon Indi Ab, a gas giant several times the mass of Jupiter located around 12 light-years away from Earth. The post Webb…

Eastern Africa preserves the most complete record of human evolution anywhere in the world but scientists have little knowledge of how long-term biogeographic dynamics in this region influenced diversity and…

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Chandra team has released a set of 25 new images of cosmic objects and phenomena. The post Chandra Marks…

New calculations reveal that pairs of supermassive black holes can merge into a larger black hole because of previously overlooked behavior of dark matter particles, proposing a solution to the…

Paleontologists have described a new species of snake from the Early Oligocene of Wyoming based on four nearly complete and articulated specimens found curled together in a burrow. The post…

While increased liquids reduce the rate of urinary tract infections (UTIs) compared with no treatment, cranberry in liquid form provides even better clinical outcomes in terms of reduction in UTIs…

Paleontologists have found the remains of a previously unknown species of lizard in a piece of mid-Cretaceous amber excavated in northern Myanmar. The post 99-Million-Year-Old Burmese Amber Reveals Oldest Known…

Researchers from the Scottish Association for Marine Science and colleagues have discovered that the polymetallic nodule-covered abyssal seafloor in the Pacific Ocean produces the so-called ‘dark oxygen.’ The post Rare-Earth…

Astronomers at the University of Hull suggest that AI-generated fakes can be spotted by analyzing human eyes in the same way that they study pictures of galaxies. The post Scientists…

Yellow crystals of elemental sulfur were revealed after NASA’s Curiosity rover happened to drive over a rock and crack it open on May 30, 2024, according to the Curiosity team.…

In this new image, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has focused its lens on the central part of the spiral galaxy NGC 3430. The post Hubble Sees Spiral Galaxy NGC…

According to new research, heparin, a commonly used blood thinner, can be repurposed as an inexpensive antidote for cobra venom. The post Scientists Discover New Antidote for Cobra Bites: Heparin…

Tanimbar is one of the main island groups in Wallacea included in early human migration routes from Sunda to Sahul (Australia + New Guinea). The post New Archaeological Evidence from…

Whenever Ukraine manages to strike a Russian radar station someone mentions the price. Money usually doesn’t come up

Russian self-propelled howitzers 2S19 Msta-S are being destroyed at an impressive rate in Ukraine. Russia has lost at

Satellites are essential to modern infrastructure, providing services ranging from GPS navigation to disaster response coordination. However, their

Since the T-14 Armata does not exist, the T-90M Proryv has to be considered the most modern Russian

A train with tanks for Russian forces was spotted in the Moscow region. It is difficult to believe

More than a decade after its initial release, Apple Maps is undergoing its most significant expansion yet, making

Nitrate contamination in water has long threatened the environment and human health. Now, Yale researchers have developed an

General Motors’ Cruise division is shifting its development focus to the next-generation Chevrolet Bolt, delaying the release of

Cruise missiles are essentially one-way unmanned jet aeroplanes. They do not rely on rocket engines (not most of

French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed that the Dassault Mirage 2000 will go to fight in Ukraine and that

Apple is anticipated to unveil its foldable iPhone as early as 2026, marking a significant redesign for the

Ferrari announced on Wednesday its decision to extend the acceptance of cryptocurrency payments for its luxury sports cars

Meta Platforms has launched its most advanced version of the Llama 3 artificial intelligence models, emphasizing its superior

Nvidia is developing a specialized version of its latest flagship AI chips for the Chinese market. This is

In the future, Ukraine may receive a new air-launched munition now called ERAM. It is a combination of

Ukraine is desperate for more Patriot air defence systems. Its allies are providing them, but they are in

Previously undisclosed data from the U.S. Commerce Department reveals that shipments of semiconductors and other restricted goods through

Tesla will begin “low production” of humanoid robots for internal use next year, CEO Elon Musk announced on